About me.

I am have completed an online Product design course with DesignerUp, with the intention of becoming a well-rounded , user-focused UX/UI designer and have completed a Figma course with Udemy creating wireframes and prototypes. Have a look at the Otto Honey project to see what I have built.

I have also completed my Arthritis symptom tracking project - check it out on the Projects tab, to see where I currently am.

Outside of building projects, I love to read (currently reading The Design of Everyday things - Don Norman), garden, travel and draw.

Github projects

As an enthusiastic UX/UI designer, I have a real passion for all things design (with users in mind, of course).

I have a background in healthcare spanning 8 years, working in various roles, and have completed my education to a Bachelors level.

I am a keen, enthusiastic designer and am always ready to learn more and be thrown into the world of design.

I have already learned the basics of coding, having completed a 6 month software development full stack programme with Command shift. Check out my Github to see what I learned!

Meera's UX Portfolio

